The Return of Our Lorde (and a word from our sponsor)
"Now if you're looking for a savior, well, that's not me." -Lorde, The Path So Lorde is back. The significance of this -- of all the little things that had to fall into place to be in a similar headspace as this literal pop icon after whom I've patterned myself since 2013 -- is astronomical (hehe). First things first, however... I sleep through the night now; I no longer look with yearning at certain tools of destruction; I wake up and want to live; I can tell my story without dissolving into sobs; I drink hot tea every morning before work; I serve my small town as a bastion against illiteracy and misinformation, spending paid time amongst the quiet and the sacred rows of books. I've found kindred spirits (read huge nerds ) in my fellow laborers. I've read 11 and 1/2 books this year (but that's a post for another time 😉). I spend a little less time on my phone placing the weight of the world on my shoulders and ...